The Death Drive: A Contemporary View
This is one of the most convincing argument in favor of death drive and Otto Kernberg's own conception of the same. In this video, Dr Kernberg reads an important paper of his, where he details the aspects of the aggressive drive as a superordinate motivational system, as is Eros. Then he goes on how and why the aggressive drive is not a reactive, secondary phenomenon, but a primary one, part of universal human nature. Having briefly done this, references Freud and psychoanalytical research throughout its history in favor of a death drive. Quite effectively, if I may say so. This 'death drive', as opposed to the aggressive drive can be observed in the clinical milieu.
Very clear conceptualization and presentation, together with valuable clinical insights illustrated with vignettes and mention of current neurobiological views, of which Kernberg is mindful. Case well made.